And always thinking of our customers. Over the course of the last year we have taken some large steps to making things work a lot better and I cannot stress how happy we are with the results so far. As of this writing we have upgraded not only our servers but also some plugins to make your sites work better and be able to offer you better options.

To elaborate on our server upgrade, we went from the Vservers on Linux that were being phased out with our provider to their newer Linux container environments that serve up the sites in a more proactive way allowing your visitors to get the sites faster on initial loads. Previously the servers would wait to be queried to get send out the information which wasn’t horrible but this new way will deliver to your patrons even more smoothly than before. At first this change was quite the paradigm shift to understand as the way it uses resources is completely contradictory to it’s original state but overall it works better.

For backups we found there was a discrepancy with our original plugin and wanted to take the opportunity to make it even better for site backup integrity as well as add an awesome service for our customers. With our new backup system not only do we backup the entire site to a single archive with an installer bundled in but we can also export that backup to your favorite cloud provider. Clouds such as Dropbox, Google Drive, ftp hosts are the main ones that can be used. If you’re interested in having a copy of your site for yourself on your cloud please drop us a line and we’ll get it setup up for you.

The last upgrade that we made was to our caching system. We had a pretty nice cache plugin however we noticed there was a small idiosyncrasy that caused an issue here and there. Well, here and there is too much for us, so out the door it went. Each site we maintain will have now a new caching plugin and will load fast and full every time it loads.

Thanks again to all of our customers – you’re the best part of our business.