Do you have a large database of information that you would like to display on your site but don’t know quite how to get it available efficiently? We had a library’s genealogy department have us put something like that together earlier this year and the best part about it was that it was FUN. Yes spreadsheets and integrations are fun.

If you want to read our article about how we worked with Loutit Library of Grand Haven click the link below to head over and see how we did.

Integration Article

In the article you’ll see how we took several different kinds of data and displayed them on the site for everyone to see. Some may say that this is a rather mundane or easy project to nail down however in order to make everything move, update and display in a timely manner for the end user we had to make sure we went about it in a precise way. Did we mention it’s scalable and shouldn’t need any maintenance to it’s build for around 20 years at least?